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Day level permalink January 14, 2003

Rights group: US arguments resemble terrorists
CNN - Two guards escort an inmate, while other inmates stay in their cells in Guantanamo Bay US Navy Base, Cuba.

Human rights advocates raised a warning flag Tuesday on the Bush administration's approach to the war on terrorism.
Human Rights Watch said the administration is using the same argument as terrorists -- that the ends justify the means -- to achieve its goals, and faulted the United States' treatment of combat prisoners and its handling of criminal suspects. The group also pointed to civilian deaths in U.S. combat operations overseas.
8:30:10 PM  Item-level permalink    

Intel Beats the Street
Smart Money - Intel Corp. (INTC) said its fourth-quarter net income more than doubled on a slight increase in revenue, as year-earlier results were weighed down by acquisition-related expenses and goodwill amortization.
8:26:32 PM  Item-level permalink    

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