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Day level permalink January 9, 2003

Company unveils Direct TV satellite for cars
CNN - Satellite communications company KVH Industries hopes to put an end to back-seat bickering among grumpy siblings during long family car trips.
The Middletown-based company will introduce a satellite TV antenna that transmits movies, sports and news programming to sport utility vehicles (SUV), minivans, and luxury automobiles equipped with backseat entertainment systems.
5:20:01 PM  Item-level permalink    

Gates sees big market for smart gadgets
Bangkok Post, Thailand - Microsoft chairman and founder Bill Gates said the market for "smart objects'' such as watches that can download data was potentially massive.

Windows everywhere now means Windows everywhere.  I think you will be very angry when the first time you reboot your washing machine, you lose your laundry.

4:24:28 PM  Item-level permalink    

Livra Worm Exploits Outlook, IE Security Flaws
PC World - New threat is spreading via e-mail and computer networks, posing as a message about singer Avril Lavigne or a Microsoft security patch.

When Microsoft Outlook receives the worm, the worm takes advantage of a vulnerability that allows the attachment to auto-execute when you read or preview the email. Information on this vulnerability and a patch can be found at

4:07:28 PM  Item-level permalink    

Why beer is good for you . . . - Men who have up to four drinks a day reduce their risk of having a heart attack, a major study by Harvard researchers has found.

Also known as the "Norm" or "Cheers" study...
1:00:56 PM  Item-level permalink    

Xbox encryption key hackers revive effort
IT World - The Neo Project, a group of distributed computing enthusiasts, on Wednesday said on its Web site that it had resumed its attempt to crack an encryption key used to digitally sign software for Microsoft Corp.'s Xbox video game console.
12:24:06 PM  Item-level permalink    

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