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Day level permalink January 10, 2003

Lebanese ambassador says Jews run Canadian media

I am curious Mr. Lebanese Ambassador, who runs the Lebanese media?

6:38:37 PM  Item-level permalink    

One of 6 Buffalo terror suspects pleads guilty
CNN - One of the six upstate New York men accused of forming an al Qaeda cell inside the United States is going to switch his plea to guilty, CNN has learned.
6:33:24 PM  Item-level permalink    

A really good rant on paying tariffs for blank recordable media. We are already paying a tariff, but there is a new proposed one, and it is really not nice. The Happy Fun Pundit sums it up nicely:

those CD-R's containing VCD movies of my family represent a gift to the record industry, because no copywritten works were involved at all. Same for the hundred or so CD-R's used to back up all my personal data. Every time I make a 10-CD image of my hard drive, I will be donating six bucks to the record industry. I'd like to tell you how I feel about that, but it's hard to see the monitor when you're in a blind rage.
where does all the money go? To the artists, of course. Supposedly. Unfortunately, of the 28 million dollars collected so far, not a nickel has landed in the hands of a single artist. You weren't surprised, were you?

Basically if you decide you want to buy one of those nifty 120 GB hard drives, which should cost you about $190, you will pay an additional $240 in tariff.  Like I say, not nice.

6:19:22 PM  Item-level permalink    

Company opens door to Canadian pharmacies
Dayton Business Journal, OH - Canada Rx Shop owner Tom Connell said the store fills a crucial need: providing a Web-based ordering link between U.S. customers and the Canadian pharmaceutical market, where prescription drugs can sell for between 50 percent and 60 percent less than they do in the United States. The price break is attributed to strict regulation and price caps on prescriptions by the Canadian government, as well as a higher exchange rate for the U.S. dollar.
"We merely facilitate access to Canadian prescription drugs," Connell said of the store, which opened on Orchard Run Road in Dayton Dec. 9.
7:11:56 AM  Item-level permalink    

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