A really good rant on paying tariffs for blank recordable media. We are already paying a tariff, but there is a new proposed one, and it is really not nice. The Happy Fun Pundit sums it up nicely:
those CD-R's containing VCD movies of my family represent a gift to the record industry, because no copywritten works were involved at all. Same for the hundred or so CD-R's used to back up all my personal data. Every time I make a 10-CD image of my hard drive, I will be donating six bucks to the record industry. I'd like to tell you how I feel about that, but it's hard to see the monitor when you're in a blind rage. where does all the money go? To the artists, of course. Supposedly. Unfortunately, of the 28 million dollars collected so far, not a nickel has landed in the hands of a single artist. You weren't surprised, were you?
Basically if you decide you want to buy one of those nifty 120 GB hard drives, which should cost you about $190, you will pay an additional $240 in tariff. Like I say, not nice.
6:19:22 PM