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Day level permalink January 20, 2003

Buying Canadian
Naples Daily News, FL - In their golden years, local residents Ann and Ronald Hunt look forward to taking long trips together.
They are in the midst of planning one to Alaska.
"That is something we've always wanted to do and it looks like it may be worked out," 69-year-old Ann Hunt said.
The reason she expects the trip to be "worked out" is she's found a new way to buy her prescriptions — a much cheaper way. The Hunts, who are on a tight budget like most retirees, recently joined the thousands of Americans buying drugs from Canada through the mail at steep discounts.
They expect to save at least $1,500 a year by doing so.
3:16:49 PM  Item-level permalink    

Piracy 'threatens 600000 jobs'
BBC - Illegal CD copying and music downloading could put the jobs of 600000 people in the music industry at risk, according to senior official.

Now we get to the 'Blazing Saddles' argument.  "We've gotta protect our phoney-baloney jobs, gentlemen, we must do something about this immediately ... "

For real solutions see my "Why Sharing shouldn't be piracy".
12:02:25 PM  Item-level permalink    

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