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Day level permalink January 15, 2003

Judge Rules Sniper Suspect Malvo My Be Tried as Adult
WSET, VA - Sniper suspect John Lee Malvo will stand trial as an adult - a fate that could result in the death penalty.
A Fairfax County juvenile court judge ruled tonight that the 17-year-old Jamaican national should be tried as an adult for the killing of FBI analyst Linda Franklin. She was shot dead October 14th outside the Home Depot in Falls Church. The charge has been elevated to capital murder because Malvo has also been implicated in at least two other fatal sniper attacks.
4:52:38 PM  Item-level permalink    

The New Math
New York Times - You can understand everything you need to know about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict today through a simple math equation offered by Danny Rubinstein, the Haaretz newspaper's Palestinian affairs expert.

"The Palestinians still act as if they believe they can get more out of Israel by making Israelis feel insecure rather than by making them feel secure. After a while, you can't call this a mistake. After a while, you have to ask whether it reflects a conviction that a thriving Jewish presence in the middle of the Islamic world is simply not acceptable to them. "

10:09:57 AM  Item-level permalink    

Complaints over Norton Bee Gee joke
BBC - TV watchdogs have received a number of complaints following a joke about by TV presenter Graham Norton about the death of Bee Gee Maurice Gibb.
9:36:24 AM  Item-level permalink    

Supreme Court Hands Disney Copyright Win
Seattle Post Intelligencer, WA - The Supreme Court on Wednesday upheld longstanding copyrights designed to protect the profits of songs, books and cartoon characters, a huge victory for Disney and other companies.

The 7-2 ruling, while not unexpected, was a blow to Internet publishers and others who wanted to make old books available online and use the likenesses of a Mickey Mouse cartoon and other old creations without paying high royalties.

9:33:18 AM  Item-level permalink    

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