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Day level permalink January 16, 2003

Chemical warheads seized in Iraq
BBC - United Nations weapons inspectors in Iraq say they have found a dozen empty chemical warheads while searching an ammunition storage depot.
1:40:56 PM  Item-level permalink    

Apple Computer: Second straight loss for Cupertino Mac-maker
San Francisco Chronicle, CA - With the personal-computer market still in the doldrums, Apple Computer on Wednesday reported its second consecutive quarterly loss and again blamed the loss on nonrecurring charges.  Without the charges, it said, it would have recorded a slight profit, just as analysts had predicted.

A bright spot for Apple was the iPod, its market-leading portable digital music player. Sales totaled 216,000 units, and more than half went to Windows users.   Apple will be tempted to produce products that even Windows users will be interested in. 

9:18:23 AM  Item-level permalink    

Hollywood snubs digital copyright plans
CNN Europe, Europe - Hollywood spurned a high-stakes agreement disclosed Tuesday between leading music and technology companies aiming to protect copyrights on digital movies and music without new government involvement.
The unusual compromise, brokered among the music industry and some of the largest computer companies, lists seven "guiding principles" that the companies hope lawmakers will take into account as Congress develops future technology policies.
7:08:27 AM  Item-level permalink    

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