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Day level permalink January 19, 2003

Anti-war leaders charge Nazis rule White House -  In an interview this week with WorldNetDaily, former U.N. weapons inspector Scott Ritter said:

"I would be in favor of the impeachment of President Bush for high crimes and misdemeanors," Ritter told WND. "Murder is a high crime and misdemeanor, and I can't think of any better definition than murder when he talks about American service members and putting them in a war which is not only illegal but is based on a foundation of lies."

If the anti war leaders say that the White House is run by the Nazis, and the Nazis say that the Jews run the White House, then elementary math says Jewish Nazis must actually run it.

1:23:02 PM  Item-level permalink    

RIAA's attempt to hold ISPs to account is risible
The Inquirer - Jack Valenti's RIAA female clone -- has now gone on record saying that as part of the fight against music piracy, ISPs should be held accountable for the actions of their users and charged a fee for giving their customer's access to services such as Kazaa or Morpheus.

And the telephone company is responsible for what you say on the telephone.

11:50:55 AM  Item-level permalink    

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