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Day level permalink April 1, 2003

U.S. Forces Enter Zone to Confront Republican Guard
New York Times - The battle for Baghdad got under way today as American ground forces entered the "red zone."
United States Army and Marine ground forces advanced on separate axes into the swath of territory around Baghdad that is defended by the Republican Guard and has been characterized by American commanders as the most strategically vital and treacherous of the war.
11:16:47 PM  Item-level permalink    

Oldest Mummy Discovered in Egypt
Discovery Channel - Egyptian archaeologists have brought to light the oldest known evidence of human mummification after opening on Sunday a 5000-year-old wooden coffin found at Sakkara near Cairo.
9:52:44 AM  Item-level permalink    

Microsoft bolsters XP wireless security
VNUNet - To enhance the appeal of Windows XP among wireless users, and to show that it is serious about security, Microsoft has issued a free upgrade for XP that enables support for Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA).
9:51:30 AM  Item-level permalink    

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