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Day level permalink April 11, 2003

Weapons-Grade Plutonium Possibly Found at Iraqi Nuke Complex
FOX News - U.S. Marines may have found weapons-grade plutonium in a massive underground facility discovered beneath Iraq's Al Tuwaitha nuclear complex, Fox News confirmed Friday.

Former Iraqi scientist Gazi George told Fox News Friday that the material "definitely" could have been planned for use in nuclear weapons or dirty bombs.

"The high levels of radiation suggest it's a high-level nuclear waste that was stored underground, trying to hide it for the process of repurposing it for the future … or just to make dirty bombs out of the material that's down there," George said.

"If the material has not been disclosed by Iraqis to the United Nations …[then] definitely this material was hidden there to use it as a source for extracting plutonium chemically and using it in dirty bombs.

"Saddam always tried to hide ... uranium or other nuclear fuels so we could use them in the future for weapons of mass destruction."

11:27:41 PM  Item-level permalink    

More on the childrens prison found in Iraq: found this TIME magazine quote from Sept 2002.  It is Scott Ritter speaking about the childrens prison that he witnessed.

The prison in question is at the General Security Services headquarters, which was inspected by my team in Jan. 1998. It appeared to be a prison for children — toddlers up to pre-adolescents — whose only crime was to be the offspring of those who have spoken out politically against the regime of Saddam Hussein. It was a horrific scene. Actually I'm not going to describe what I saw there because what I saw was so horrible that it can be used by those who would want to promote war with Iraq, and right now I'm waging peace.

I know a lot of people wanted not to believe this story.  Mostly because it is so horrible, and also because the major media do not seem to be reporting this.  I suppose they have their reasons, much like Scott Ritter had 5 years ago.  It does not fit into the message they want to say right now.

10:51:48 PM  Item-level permalink    

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