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Day level permalink April 24, 2003

New Zealand Herald
Aziz turns self in to US
Atlanta Journal Constitution - Tariq Aziz, the former Iraqi deputy prime minister and perhaps the world's most recognizable member of the government after Saddam Hussein, has surrendered voluntarily to American forces here, US military officials said today.
10:56:26 PM  Item-level permalink    

Cable beats DSL in speed race - Cable modems are outpacing digital subscriber lines in terms of connection speeds, as household broadband access continues to increase, according to a study released Tuesday.
The number of Internet users accessing the Web through home broadband connections rose 9 percent between October 2002 and March 2003, according to Net measurement firm ComScore Networks. That brought the total percentage of broadband-connected households to 28 percent of all homes with Internet access.

...cable modems were 50 percent faster on average than DSL connections.

9:47:07 AM  Item-level permalink    

Antispam Registry Proposed
PC World - A coalition of e-mail service providers plans to develop registries intended to separate the legitimate bulk e-mailers from the spammers, in the latest in a series of recent antispam efforts.
8:22:34 AM  Item-level permalink    

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