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Day level permalink April 4, 2003

3 CIA assets killed in Baghdad - As seen on Drudge tonight, United Press International reports...
Three Iraqis who aided the CIA in the March 20 attempt by the United States to kill Iraqi President Saddam Hussein were executed this week by Iraqi counterintelligence, former and serving U.S. officials told United Press International.

A super-secret U.S. intelligence operation, working in Baghdad for weeks before the war, provided the crucial targeting data for the attack on Saddam and his sons, launched in an effort to pre-empt a full-scale war, these sources said, speaking on condition of anonymity.

8:31:39 PM  Item-level permalink    

WTC bombing conviction upheld
Atlanta Journal Constitution - A federal appeals court Friday upheld the convictions of the man who masterminded the 1993 World Trade Center bombing and plotted to blow up a dozen US jumbo jets over the Far East.
4:06:28 PM  Item-level permalink    

A Man Said to Be Hussein Appears on Iraqi TV
New York Times - Arab television networks showed videotapes today of a man purporting to be Saddam Hussein rallying his people. But the White House said it did not matter very much if the footage was genuine or not, because the Iraqi leader would soon be history, one way or another.
4:04:58 PM  Item-level permalink    

I wish I could post more often.  The number of hits from search engines have gone up three fold since the war.  I still have to work full time so the posting is kinda light, however I would like to list a couple of sites that I think might be a really good place to find news about Iraq.

The Command Post is a site that has been thrown together just as a Blog for news and clippings on the war. 

I read Best of the Web everyday.  He only publishes once a day, usually in the afternoon, but he has a great perspective and wit.


7:14:44 AM  Item-level permalink    

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