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Day level permalink April 17, 2003

Civilization: Burial box of Jesus' brother
United Press International -  In the six months since a limestone bone box bearing the inscription "James, son of Joseph, brother of Jesus" was announced to the world, evidence mounts that the ossuary is authentic and that the "Jesus" is indeed the rabbi of Nazareth.
11:04:50 PM  Item-level permalink    

CNN postings send some to early graves
CNET - Rumors of their demise were greatly exaggerated, one could say, when CNN accidentally made publicly available obituaries of several international figures who are in fact still among the living.
11:02:14 PM  Item-level permalink    

AOL steps up efforts to block spam
USA Today - Earlier this week, (AOL) filed five lawsuits against more than a dozen spammers who sent about 1 billion unwanted e-mails to subscribers.

The lawsuits were based on 8 million complaints generated by the new "report spam" button in AOL 8.0, its latest version. 

9:11:25 AM  Item-level permalink    

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