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Day level permalink April 20, 2003

Saddam Starred in Gay Porn Films!
Yahoo! Entertainment - Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein has been caught with his pants down -- literally. A shocking 1968 porn film has surfaced, in which the flamboyant strongman appears performing raunchy homosexual acts!
The image quality of the grainy 16mm film, uncovered by the Kuwaiti secret police, is poor -- but experts who've taken a close look at the hairy-chested actor are "100 percent certain" it is a younger, trimmer Saddam.
"There is no doubt in my mind that this is Saddam -- there's no mistaking those eyes and that distinctive nose," declares Hussein biographer Sadiq al-Sabah of Kuwait, who's seen the eye-popping footage first-hand.
8:47:51 AM  Item-level permalink    

Killer bug forces China to cancel holiday
BBC Newsround - Families in China have been forced to cancel their holiday plans as the government's called off the May Day break because of the killer bug, Sars.
8:35:32 AM  Item-level permalink    

Pope calls for Iraqi freedom
BBC - Pope John Paul II has called for the Iraqi people to be given a leading role in rebuilding their country in the wake of war as he made his Easter address to the world's one billion Roman Catholics.

I only wish he had believed in the same sort of leading role 3 months ago...

8:27:33 AM  Item-level permalink    

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