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Day level permalink April 5, 2003
ANTI WAR or ANTI JEW?? - A Pakistani student wears a headband with the words 'kill jews,' during an anti-war rally at a university in Islamabad, March 26, 2003. The students of Quaid-i-Azam University gathered on Wednesday to protest against the U.S.-led war in Iraq.
3:43:23 PM  Item-level permalink    

UK military: Boxes of human remains found
CNN - British forces in southern Iraq have found hundreds of boxes containing human remains in a warehouse near Zubayr and are investigating how they got there, military officials said Saturday.
"Obviously, it's an unusual find," said Maj. Mike Edwards, a British military spokesman in Kuwait City. "Who they belonged to or how they got there is under investigation."
3:17:04 PM  Item-level permalink    

CNN reports - France and Jordan Aid Iraq
Command Post - CNN reports that large amounts of weapons found in Iraqi hands are from France and Jordan.
3:11:31 PM  Item-level permalink    

ROCKET man Steve Bennett has unveiled the £50,000 space capsule that will take him a step further to his life-long dream of travelling in space.

The cramped cockpit - fitted with instruments to measure height, speed and direction - will eventually launch him high into the skies. But, for the moment at least, Steve is concentrating on the descent. [Manchester News]

3:05:03 PM  Item-level permalink    

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