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Day level permalink April 14, 2003

Power rift hits Cabinet plan
Gulf Daily News - Reformist Palesti-nian Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas has run into trouble forming a new cabinet after three ministers loyal to President Yasser Arafat refused to sign up, sparking a power struggle which could delay key reforms.
7:12:08 PM  Item-level permalink    

'Proof' Syria hid Iraq weapons
News Interactive - THERE was evidence Syria had helped hide Iraqi chemical weapons in the past, former United Nations chief weapons inspector Richard Butler said today.
7:08:22 PM  Item-level permalink    

Baghdad Shocker Bares Russian-Saddam Spy Tie
FOX News - Top-secret Iraqi intelligence documents found in Baghdad show that Russia funneled spy secrets to Saddam Hussein and that Moscow was still training Iraqi spies last fall, in violation of UN sanctions, reports say.
9:03:02 AM  Item-level permalink    

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