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Day level permalink April 29, 2003

Excerpts of Palestinian PM's maiden speech
BBC - The new Palestinian Prime Minister, Mahmoud Abbas, has called on Israel to dismantle Jewish settlements and to implement the US-led "roadmap" to peace.

10:27:30 PM  Item-level permalink    

Suicide bomber kills four in Tel Aviv
Guardian - A suicide bomber wrecked a Tel Aviv bar early today, killing at least four and wounding more than 35, just hours after the Palestinian parliament approved the government of Mahmoud Abbas and he spoke against violence.

Is this what the roadmap holds for Israel?  Perhaps we need to liberate the Palestinians next.  Liberate them from the people who do violence in their name.  Liberate them from the 'Sadam' in their lives. 

10:20:19 PM  Item-level permalink    

It is very interesting to me that although one judge might decide that File-swapping tools are legal, another could order Verizon to reveal the names of suspected pirates.


7:15:31 AM  Item-level permalink    

Anti - Spam Alliance  MS , AOL , Yahoo form partnership
Dslreports -... According to one MSN spokesman, the three companies are "putting spammers on notice that the industry will collaborate to drive the bad guys out of business.". ...
5:50:57 AM  Item-level permalink    

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