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Day level permalink April 10, 2003

Iraqi Shiite leader killed in attack at Ali mosque
CNN - A prominent Iraqi Shiite Muslim leader was shot and stabbed to death Thursday in an attack that began inside the Imam Ali Mosque in Najaf.

He was shot inside the Mosque (probably the most holy mosque in Iraq), dragged outside and stabbed. This is the "religion of peace" but it has been hijacked. Who will free it? The peaceful muslim nations?

Brig. Gen. Vincent Brooks talked last week about how Iraqi forces had taken up positions inside Najaf’s Ali Mosque.

10:23:44 AM  Item-level permalink    

Microsoft to launch IM server
The Inquirer - MICROSOFT CONTINUES ITS EFFORTS to sell more expensive server based software. The project once known as "Greenwich" is now to be called Real-Time Communications Server (RTC). It ties together instant messaging and collaboration in much the same way as Exchange ties together mail and scheduling.
8:06:12 AM  Item-level permalink    

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