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Day level permalink April 2, 2003

Real Security Hole
TechTV - RealNetworks is warning its customers that a flaw in the company's popular media players could let an attacker gain control of a remote computer.
10:30:52 PM  Item-level permalink    

Baghdad expels al-Jazeera man
Guardian - The Arab satellite channel al-Jazeera announced yesterday that Iraqi officials are expelling one of its reporters from Baghdad and barring another from reporting.

Never let them see you sweat, right Saddam?

10:29:07 PM  Item-level permalink    

Iraq Using Holy Sites for Military Purposes, claims US
Voice of America - The US military denies Iraqi claims that coalition forces have bombed some mosques and are trying to destroy Shiite Muslim holy sites in southern Iraq.
11:54:45 AM  Item-level permalink    

MSN- Itsuo Inouye / AP

A U.S. Marine with the 15th Expeditionary Unit holds a baby as the baby's mother attempts to pass through a checkpoint at the Saddam Hospital in An Nasiriyah on Wednesday.

Is this really the face of an Occupation?

11:52:03 AM  Item-level permalink    

The First Liberation
ABC News -They considered themselves the true believers of the faith. But now that the Ansar al-Islam militants are gone, the Kurdish villagers who lived among them in northern Iraq say they were nothing but fanatics.

In the village of Biyara nestled in the mountains near the Iranian border in Kurdish-controlled northern Iraq, men were busy this weekend shaving their beards and smoking — reveling in their new freedom. A woman stood in the center of town and tore off her enveloping black abaya. She tossed her hair in the sun for a moment, smiling broadly, before donning a simple headscarf.

"They are al Qaeda," said Commander Ghafur Darwish, sunning himself on a roof after his peshmerga soldiers retook control of Biyara. "Ansar was using Islam as a cover. They are terrorists."

Ansar's leaders praised Osama bin Laden and sheltered his so-called mujahideen, or holy warriors, that were run out of Afghanistan last year, so it seemed only a matter of time before America took notice.

8:07:33 AM  Item-level permalink    

US 'Destroys' Baghdad Republican Guard Division
Reuters - A US commander in the Gulf said on Wednesday US troops had destroyed the Baghdad division of the Iraqi Republican Guard near the town of Kut, 105 miles southeast of the Iraqi capital.
7:54:58 AM  Item-level permalink    

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