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Day level permalink April 21, 2003

The Arab Street was supposed to be furious with the war on Iraq, it was supposed to rise up and topple moderate Arab countries like Egypt.  Instead they watched CNN, and learned the truth about Saddam.  Some learning this awful truth for the first time in their lives.  They then watched Baghdad fall, and were embarrassed that it wasn't a Muslim, or even Arab country liberating their brothers and sisters.
Or maybe they always knew, and we in the west were just not hearing about it. Maybe even our media, in order to make a despot happy, just left out what the Arab street was really thinking?
Well now our big media, and even the Arab media can talk about Saddam’s regime without fear of repercussion.
Dr. Abdulhamid Al-Ansary askes: “Why did the Arab media consent to align itself with the Iraqi regime while at the same time pretending that it was with the people?”
I want to hear the same question asked about Western media.
12:28:31 PM  Item-level permalink    

Pakistan Ready for Peace Talks with India, says Official
Voice of America - Pakistan said Monday it is ready to hold peace talks with India at any level and at any time, without conditions.
12:09:47 PM  Item-level permalink    

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