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Day level permalink September 4, 2003

Universal Cuts CD Prices
Rolling Stone - With album sales in a multi-year decline, the world's largest record company, the Universal Music Group, announced today that it will be drastically cutting the price of its CDs.

Starting as early as October 1st, the Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price for new CDs by Universal artists -- which include U2, Eminem and Ashanti -- will be $12.98. Releases currently selling for between $16.98 and $18.98 will receive the same discounted sticker price.

That is a 30% reduction!  What other industry could reduce their price by 30%?  Can you imagine Ford lowering the price of cars 30%?  This is just more proof that the music industry is pricing CDs to high.  Something I have been saying for a long time. 

7:57:12 AM  Item-level permalink    

US probes gas hikes: Feds look for price gouging near holiday
Boston Herald - The US Energy Department said yesterday that it's probing the reasons for the pre-Labor Day spike in gas prices across the nation - even as prices in Massachusetts continued to set records.
5:58:29 AM  Item-level permalink    

Obesity researchers find hormone infusion that makes people eat less
Arizona Republic - A single infusion of an intestinal hormone made people eat less for the rest of the day, regardless of whether they were fat or thin, researchers are reporting on Thursday.
5:56:23 AM  Item-level permalink    

Microsoft issues 'critical' VBA alert
VNUNet - Microsoft is warning customers of a 'critical' security flaw in its Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) technology which could allow hackers to take control of Windows PCs.

Use Office Update to scan your computer and install updates 

5:54:03 AM  Item-level permalink    

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