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Day level permalink September 30, 2003

Iraqis: US Goal on Constitution Not Possible
Voice of America - Iraqi officials say it could take at least a year to draft the country's new constitution, more than twice as long as a target set by the United States.
2:48:42 PM  Item-level permalink    

Libyan embassy accused in money plot
Halifax Daily News, Canada -  The Libyan embassy in Ottawa has been implicated in a plot to transfer hundreds of thousands of dollars from Tripoli to American Islamic groups in violation of sanctions on the regime of Colonel Muammar Gaddafi.
12:45:24 PM  Item-level permalink    

Strict father jailed for killing daughter
icWales, UK - Heshu Yones, 16, was beaten for months before the “honour killing” and had planned to run away from home, begging her father to leave her alone.
7:59:17 AM  Item-level permalink    

CNN - Administration officials confirm arrest of man carrying classified documents at Logan Airport in Boston, in third arrest related to potential espionage at Guantanamo Bay Naval Base.
7:34:56 AM  Item-level permalink    

I saw Madeleine Albright on a minor talk show recently, I suppose she was promoting her book.  The interview seemed to center around Arafat, and I got the impression the book does as well.  She talked about how she, at one time, actually invited Arafat to her home, and he met her family.  I was astounded to hear this.  In my house Arafat is simply a terrorist, and a murderer.   

The "father of a little Czech-American girl" in Miami tells of his close encounter with the former Sec. of State, and gets to ask her a very good question:

"Madam Secretary, in light of all that has happened since the beginning of the current Intifada in 2000, do you regret having had a role in inviting Yasir Arafat to the White House?"

6:44:14 AM  Item-level permalink    

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