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Day level permalink September 27, 2003

Reuters Defines "Obstacles to Peace"

Little Green Footballs - A mind-boggling sentence from a Reuters release about the terrorist who murdered a baby girl in the West Bank settlement of Negohot, illustrating once again the Reuters Bizarro World approach to the Middle East:

Palestinians regard Jewish settlements in the West Bank and Gaza Strip as major obstacles to peace and have regularly attacked them.

Those who haven’t drunk the Reuters Kool-Aid may be forgiven for believing that the ones doing the attacking are the true obstacles to peace. (Hat tip: Yoseph M.) 

9:36:29 PM  Item-level permalink    

Houston Chronicle
$20B to Rebuild Iraq: Loan or Grant?
Newsday -  President George W. Bush's huge $20.3-billion request to improve conditions in Iraq calls for building seven government housing projects, each with roads, schools and markets. It would create a high-tech postal system, revamp sewers and railroads and modernize Iraq's electricity grid.
12:46:41 PM  Item-level permalink    

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