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Day level permalink September 25, 2003

Prodi Vows Not to Fire EU Officials Over Fraud Scandal
Voice of America - Embattled European Commission President Romano Prodi says he will not fire senior members of his team over a fraud scandal that has shaken a key EU Agency.
3:06:44 PM  Item-level permalink    

Shot Iraqi politician dies from wounds
CNN - Iraqi Governing Council member Akila al-Hashimi died Thursday from gunshot wounds sustained five days ago in an attack on her convoy, and her loss is being mourned and decried by the coalition and Iraqi officials.
12:10:07 PM  Item-level permalink    

ABC News
Nigeria Court Overturns Stoning Sentence
ABC News -  An Islamic appeals court Thursday threw out the case of a Nigerian woman sentenced to death by stoning for committing adultery, a case that sharpened the divide between Muslims and Christians in Africa's most populous country.

Amina Lawal would have been the first woman stoned to death since 12 northern states began adopting strict Islamic law, or Shariah, in 1999. Four of five judges on the court voted to overturn the verdict, citing procedural errors in her original trial.

9:28:00 AM  Item-level permalink    

Kazaa sues labels over copyright
Australian IT News - TURNING the tables on record labls, makers of the most popular internet song-swapping network are suing entertainment companies for copyright infringement.

Sharman Networks, the company behind the Kazaa file-sharing software, filed a US federal lawsuit accusing the entertainment companies of using unauthorised versions of its software in their efforts to root out users.
6:06:10 AM  Item-level permalink    

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