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Day level permalink September 5, 2003

Court: Some marijuana in home is legal
Juneau Empire Online - A state appellate court has affirmed the right of Alaskans to possess a small amount of marijuana in their home in a ruling handed down Friday.
12:10:04 PM  Item-level permalink    

US Says Saddam Likely Hiding in Tikrit
ABC News - Saddam Hussein probably is in hiding in or around his hometown of Tikrit, the commander of American troops there said Friday.
12:03:00 PM  Item-level permalink    

Vatican elevated abusive priest
The Dallas Morning News  - The Vatican promoted a U.S. priest through its international diplomatic corps despite high-level warnings in the 1990s that he had sexually abused a girl, according to interviews and records.

The case is believed to be the first in which the Vatican has been found harboring an abuser in its ranks. In a message to American Catholic leaders during last year's abuse crisis, Pope John Paul II said: "There is no place in the priesthood or religious life for those who would harm the young."

Alerts about Monsignor Daniel Pater went to the Vatican from his home Archdiocese of Cincinnati and a former official at an elite seminary in Rome. That official told The Dallas Morning News that nothing happened after he twice spoke with Bishop James M. Harvey, a friend who was a longtime Vatican state department executive and now heads the pope's personal staff.

Vatican Promoted Diplomat Despite Abuse Charge - Washington Post, DC


11:18:24 AM  Item-level permalink    

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