Last updated: 21/04/2006; 10:46:56 PM.
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Day level permalink September 16, 2003

Canada Immune From RIAA? - "Tech Central Station is carrying a story on how Canadians are legally allowed to copy music not only in the home environment, but also on P2P networks such as Kazaa."

Don't forget pot and gay marriage.... Canada has it all.

3:23:44 PM  Item-level permalink    

Ballmer to crackers: this PC ain't big enough for the both of us
The Register - And it ain't me who's going to leave
3:05:15 PM  Item-level permalink    

Court scrutinizes P2P subpoena process
CNET - An appeals court questions the interpretation of a 1998 copyright law, wondering whether it permits the unmasking of alleged peer-to-peer pirates by the music industry.
1:25:40 PM  Item-level permalink    

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