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Day level permalink October 1, 2003

This story almost sounds like it came out of The Onion ... but it's all too true. Seems that a high school band from Paris, Texas, came to Dallas last weekend to put on a "Salute to World War II" halftime show. The program included flags and national anthems of major combatants in the war ... which meant that some students marched and waved the Nazi Germany standard, while the band played "Deutschland Uber Alles." And all this happened on -- wait for it -- Rosh Hoshana. The ignoramus band director has apologized, and the Dallas ADL chief has said the matter is closed. But sheesh, can you imagine the stupidity that went into that programming decision? Did it occur to no one at that high school that it might not be a good idea to celebrate Nazi Germany in song and dance?

2:28:46 PM  Item-level permalink    

Napster Re-Launch Gets Media Center Help - In a coup for Roxio, the soon-to-be-relaunched Napster 2.0 has found a home on the upgraded WindowsXP Media Center Edition 2004, putting the paid download music service before a potentially large audience.
11:35:02 AM  Item-level permalink    

Innocent file-sharers could appear guilty
New Scientist - A research paper highlighting security weaknesses in a popular internet file-sharing network has raised concerns that innocent users could in theory be wrongly accused of sharing copyrighted music.
11:32:49 AM  Item-level permalink    

Symantec Releases Six-Month Internet Security Report
CRN - Symantec today released its semiannual Internet Security Threat Report, and the results were not pretty.
9:09:47 AM  Item-level permalink    

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