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Day level permalink October 23, 2003

Prominent American Muslim indicted
CNN - A prominent member of the American Muslim community was indicted Thursday on charges he engaged in prohibited dealings with Libya, including accepting $340,000 in cash from the Libyan government, authorities said.

Abdurahman Alamoudi could face a maximum 105 years in prison and revocation of his U.S. citizenship if convicted. 

UPDATE: "Alamoudi was invited to meet with candidate Bush in Austin, Texas, in 2000, and was invited to join President Bush at prayer services for the victims of the 9/11 terror attacks."

How could the White House NOT have known who this guy was hanging out with?

9:19:20 PM  Item-level permalink    

More Reuters Bias:  The Jerusalem Post is a "right wing daily".
1:03:22 PM  Item-level permalink    

Bush official caught in church dragnet
In an emerging scandal, NBC News has produced tapes proving beyond deniability that the new deputy undersecretary of defense for intelligence is ... a Christian. Lt. Gen. William G. Boykin has been captured on a series of grainy tapes, attesting to his faith at churches and prayer breakfasts.

I don't normally link to Ann Coulter, but this is good.

12:54:39 PM  Item-level permalink    

Matt has a LGF moment...
9:22:16 AM  Item-level permalink    

Lots of porn surfing at work, HR folks say in poll
Arizona Business Gazette, AZ - Your co-worker in the next cubicle may be getting some cheap thrills via the office computer. Two-thirds of human resources professionals say they've discovered porn on company computers.

7:41:41 AM  Item-level permalink    

Apple rocks on with iTunes for Windows
San Jose Mercury News - Apple Computer's new iTunes Music Store for Windows isn't the perfect place to buy songs online, but it's very, very good and will be tough for competitors to beat.
7:22:12 AM  Item-level permalink    

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