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Day level permalink October 25, 2003

It wasn't about oil, it was about something even more valuable.  Victor Davis Hanson knows why the islamo-fascist dictators are not helping in Iraq.

"A free Iraq will place a terrible dilemma on the governments and elites of these closed Arab societies who must explain to their own poor and oppressed how satellite pictures of voting Iraqis, Internet cafes, and raucous debates on television are really fabricated images concocted by the American-Zionist international consortium. There is a time bomb ticking in the Middle East, but it is in Cairo and Damascus and Riyadh, where corrupt elites can only pray that things don't calm down in Baghdad and thereby prompt al Jazeera to switch from tailing dead-end Baathists to interviewing Iraqi parliamentarians."

8:40:49 AM  Item-level permalink    

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