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Day level permalink October 15, 2003

Fast Food Is Lure to Overweight Children
Overweight children appear to be especially susceptible to the lure of fast food, a study found. They stuff themselves even more ravenously than other youngsters do and are less able to compensate by eating sparingly the rest of the day.
9:37:26 PM  Item-level permalink    

Microsoft Urges Users to Update 5 New Security Holes
Reuters - Microsoft Corp. MSFT.O on Wednesday announced five new "critical" flaws in its software and provided patches to fix them in order to prevent hackers from gaining access to personal computers by deploying a malicious program similar to the devastating Blaster worm.

What You Should Know About the Security Updates for October 2003.

8:46:53 PM  Item-level permalink    

New Internet speed record set
CNN - Two major scientific research centres said on Wednesday they had set a new world speed record for sending data across the Internet, equivalent to transferring a full-length DVD film in seven seconds.

This is more than 20,000 times faster than a typical home broadband connection, and is also equivalent to transferring a 60-minute compact disc within one second -- an operation that takes around eight minutes on standard broadband.

3:51:23 PM  Item-level permalink    

Israel deploys nuclear arms in submarines
Guardian - Israeli and American officials have admitted collaborating to deploy US-supplied Harpoon cruise missiles armed with nuclear warheads in Israel's fleet of Dolphin-class submarines, giving the Middle East's only nuclear power the ability to strike at any of its Arab neighbours.

The unprecedented disclosure came as Israel announced that states 'harbouring terrorists' are legitimate targets, responding to Syria's declaration of its right to self-defence should Israel bomb its territory again.

With Iran publicly saying that it will wipe Israel off the map the first chance they get, it is clear to me that this is directed at them.   Fire against Israel and even if you succeed, Israel will fire back and you will be destroyed.  You never know the Israeli Sub might be right off your coast.

3:22:46 PM  Item-level permalink    

Split vote likely on UN Iraq resolution
MSNBC - The resolution was virtually assured of the minimum nine votes needed for adoption in the 15-member UN Security Council, where none of major powers have threatened a veto.
2:33:30 PM  Item-level permalink    

BBC News
Iraq council promises polls in 2004
Times of India - Iraq will definitely hold elections in 2004, the chairman of the US-appointed Iraqi transitional Governing Council, Ayad Allawi, said here Wednesday.
2:30:43 PM  Item-level permalink    

LA man: Labels have the wrong guy
CNET - A Los Angeles-area Web designer has emerged as the second person to challenge a recording industry file-swapping lawsuit, saying that the record labels appear to have made a mistake in identifying him.
2:18:54 PM  Item-level permalink    

Fast Food Is Lure to Overweight Children
Overweight children appear to be especially susceptible to the lure of fast food, a study found. They stuff themselves even more ravenously than other youngsters do and are less able to compensate by eating sparingly the rest of the day.
1:56:45 PM  Item-level permalink    

US Forces in Iraq Capture Terror Leader
The Ledger, Florida - American forces in Iraq have captured one of the most senior members of Ansar al-Islam, an extremist group suspected of having ties to Osama bin Laden's al-Qaida network, U.S. defense officials said Tuesday.

7:57:52 AM  Item-level permalink    

Americans die in Gaza
At least three Americans were killed and another seriously wounded today when an explosion hit a U.S. Embassy convoy in northern Gaza near the border with Israel, according to U.S., Israeli and Palestinian sources. The three-car convoy was carrying at least 12 Americans and was escorted by Palestinian security, Israeli sources said.
7:52:09 AM  Item-level permalink    

Study Shows Depth of Obesity Stigma
ABC News - While it is no surprise that people often have a low opinion of the overweight, a new study finds that just standing next to a large person can be bad for one's image.
7:49:35 AM  Item-level permalink    

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