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Day level permalink October 7, 2003

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Information Week - The arrangement will let users buy the online retailer's products while working in Office applications.
9:21:45 PM  Item-level permalink    

I am encouraged by the October 2nd speech by Ahmad Chalabi, head of the Iraqi delegation to the UN General Assembly:

I stand before this Assembly as a representative of free Iraq. To all those here who helped us in our struggle for liberation we extend our gratitude. Our liberation would not have been achieved without the determination of President, George W. Bush and the commitment of the Coalition, at the forefront of which stand the people of the United States of America and Great Britain. The Iraqis will never forget your courage and sacrifice on our behalf.

To those who stood with the dictator and who continue to question the intentions of the American and British governments in undertaking this liberation, we invite you to come and visit the mass graves where half a million of our citizens lie, come and visit the dried up marshes, come and visit Halabja where chemicals were dropped on civilians, come and examine the lists of the disappeared whose right to live was taken away from them by Saddam Hussein. And we the Iraqi people will ask you why you chose to remain silent.

3:28:29 PM  Item-level permalink    

Izzy Asper, political leader, business visionary, a strong selfless financial supporter of worthy causes, and champion of Israel died today.

I saw him recently at my brothers wedding.  He was a strong advocate and supporter of Israel.  He had become an ambassador on its behalf and encouraged others to do the same.

Over the years, Izzy Asper gives millions and millions of dollars to worthy causes in his home town, the city of Winnipeg.

In 1964, he was called to the Manitoba bar. From 1966 to 1977, Asper wrote a nationally-syndicated newspaper column on taxation and in 1970 authored a book critical of the federal government's tax reform proposals. He earned the great honor being named Queen's Counsel in 1975.

From 1970 to 1975, he was leader of the Manitoba Liberal Party and from 1972 to 1975 sat in opposition as a member of the Manitoba Legislative Assembly.

In the early 70’s he and partner Paul Morton set up Winnipeg independent television station CKND. This lead to investing in Global television and building a group of western independent stations.

After a management shakeup that he weathered, Izzys company CanWest Global now owns 57.5% of the Australian Ten Network, exercises operational control of New Zealand's TV3 (despite owning only 20%), and controls 50% of Chile's La Red network.

IZZY ASPER (Israel Harold Asper). August 11, 1932 – October 7, 2003  

2:06:18 PM  Item-level permalink    

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