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Day level permalink October 21, 2003

Reuters shows its bias.

Read the NRO definitive guide to Reuters lack of impartiality, independence, integrity and freedom.  I first noticed reference to this on LittleGreenFootballs.

My Favorite is:

But the tit-for-tat bloodshed continues. Shortly after [senior representatives of the "Quartet"] issued their appeal [to implement the road map], a Palestinian gunman shot dead an Israeli settler and a baby at a Jewish settlement in the West Bank before he was shot dead himself. ("Palestinians Mark Anniversary with Vow to Fight On," September 29, 2003)

A gunman kills a "settler" and a baby, and when he is killed (to stop him from killing everyone else in sight), it is considered 'tit for tat'.  What is that?


4:11:38 PM  Item-level permalink    

Disney Hall Raises LA Arts Scene Profile
Miami Herald -  Despite being home to a world-class symphony, a thriving theater community and top museums, Los Angeles has long suffered an inferiority complex in the arts.

That should change Thursday with the opening concert at the Walt Disney Concert Hall, which also is expected to serve as a catalyst for urban renewal and an architectural center of gravity.

3:53:39 PM  Item-level permalink    

DOJ Calls MS on XP Music Feature - A default link in the "My Music" folder within Windows XP could land Microsoft in hot water with the Department of Justice.
3:51:50 PM  Item-level permalink    

US Officials Believe Khalid Shaikh Mohammed Killed Daniel Pearl
Voice of America - US authorities now believe senior al-Qaida operative Khalid Shaikh Mohammed personally killed Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl.
3:50:23 PM  Item-level permalink    

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