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Day level permalink October 30, 2003

The Truth About General Boykin’s Comments on Islam
Here is what the General says, in context, about America being a nation of believers and a backer of Israel:

"Why do they hate us so much? I will tell you this. This is my own personal belief. One of the most fundamental reasons they hate us is (a) because we are a nation of believers, and (b) because we support Israel. Now, if you don't believe that this nation was founded on Christian beliefs, Christian values, then go back and read the writings and the orations of the founders of this nation, read what they said. Every man that signed the Constitution of the United States was of the Christian faith."

1:52:11 PM  Item-level permalink    

CNN - House office building on Capitol Hill evacuated after reports of possibly armed intruder.

False alarm... So called "gunman" and woman in police custody. Handgun in man’s bag was a toy.
1:23:01 PM  Item-level permalink    

Longhorn Makes Waves at Developers Gathering
NewsFactor Network - Systems engineers and industry pundits alike appear to be mesmerized by Longhorn -- Microsoft's eagerly awaited next Windows version -- as they took in a sneak preview of the system at Microsoft's Professional Developers Conference, held in Los Angeles this week.  Along with keynote addresses by Bill Gates and other executives, the company demonstrated how future technologies that make up Longhorn, now code-named "WinFS," "Indigo" and "Avalon," are expected to work.
12:51:24 PM  Item-level permalink    

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