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Day level permalink October 5, 2003

Palestinian suicide attack kills 19 bystanders in Haifa restaurant

This is the headline on the SFGATE website.  Although the story is from AP, the Publishers/Editors or at least the writer should have known better.

These people were not bystanders.  Arnold Roth is a father, whose daughter was murdered two years ago in the Sbarro restaurant massacre. 

He talks on the LGF website about the word bystander:

"The dead and injured weren't bystanders in any sense of the word. Just like the people eating in Maxim yesterday, they were the target. "

Does Peter Enav know the difference?


9:37:49 PM  Item-level permalink    

Microsoft Plugs Browser Hijack Holes - Microsoft on Friday rushed out a major cumulative patch to plug 'critical' holes in Internet Explorer (IE) that allowed attackers to hijack the browser or change DNS server settings.
9:06:41 PM  Item-level permalink    

Kay Says Iraq Weapons May Still Be Found (AP). AP - Weapons hunters in Iraq are pursuing tips that point to the possible presence of anthrax and Scud missiles still hidden in the country, the chief searcher said Sunday.
9:03:21 PM  Item-level permalink    

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