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Day level permalink October 6, 2003

Cable internet users are happier with the support they get

Cable subscribers are more satisfied with the quality of support they receive than their DSL counterparts.

This report details the kind of customer service quality that is required in the wired age.

9:55:43 PM  Item-level permalink    

By now we have all read about the Polish troops discovery of French built missiles in southern Iraq. 

Chirac has since had a "friendly but firm" talk with Poland's Prime Minister, Leszek Miller, on the issue.

Now that the missiles (forbidden in Iraq since 1990) have been destroyed, Poland's defense ministry has expressed "regret" for the report and has ordered an investigation into the issue.  Not easy to investigate now that the evidence has been destroyed.

HOWEVER, THIS IS NOT THE FIRST TIME these missles have been discovered in Iraq.  Go back to April 13, 2003 U.S. forces discovered 51 Roland-2 missiles.  At the same time a Roland-3 launcher was found.  No reason to have a launcher without the milles.

I guess Chirac will have to have a "friendly but firm" talk with some more people.

11:55:04 AM  Item-level permalink    

Last year on this day a United States judge has sentenced "American Taliban" fighter John Walker Lindh to 20 years for collaborating with the hardline Muslim militia in Afghanistan.

Only 19 more to go John.

11:28:06 AM  Item-level permalink    

Islamic Jihad Websites Hosted in Canada

Three of the terror-glorifying websites of Palestinian Islamic Jihad, perpetrators of the disgusting suicide bombing in Haifa that wiped out whole families, are hosted at in Alberta, Canada: The bloody trail of Palestinian Islamic Jihad...

I hope that will look into this, and the illegal activities these clients are engaged in. 

9:54:02 AM  Item-level permalink    

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