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Day level permalink October 17, 2003

Malaysia calls Jew statement a 'misunderstanding'
Malaysia, faced with angry criticism from the United States and Europe, apologized Friday for "any misunderstanding" over assertions by Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad that Jews rule the world.

He meant it as a compliment....  Ruling the world is what the militant dictator islamic leaders hope to do some day...

3:32:40 PM  Item-level permalink    

Ontario police officers told to enforce marijuana laws - The glory days for Ontario marijuana smokers are over, for now, with police laying possession charges again after months of turning a blind eye to public toking when possession laws were temporarily loosened. OPP officers have been advised they can now enforce Canada's laws against marijuana possession after a court ruling last week clarified that those laws were constitutional. 

3:29:16 PM  Item-level permalink    

Fijians apologise for ancestors eating English missionary
Ananova - Fijian villagers are to offer a traditional apology to the descendants of an English missionary who was killed and eaten 136 years ago.

The Rev Thomas Baker, of the London Missionary Society, was killed by the people of Navatusila in 1867 for taking a comb out of a chief's hair, reports The Pacific Islands News Association.

It was and still is forbidden to touch the head of a chief and he was subsequently cooked and eaten.

The inhabitants of the remote Fiji mountain village believe they have been cursed for what their forefathers did and the district chief has invited Mr Baker's descendants to a ceremony to apologise.

No word on who they will be serving for dinner...

12:21:05 PM  Item-level permalink    

Staring Down Linux
Information Week - On a warm September day at Manhattan's upscale St. Regis hotel, Microsoft chairman Bill Gates stepped onto a makeshift stage with IBM senior VP Steve Mills to demonstrate what Mills would describe as a "breakthrough" in software engineering.  With the Windows operating system and Microsoft's SQL Server database running on one computer and a Linux operating system and IBM's DB2 database on another, the competitors showed how Web services could be used to conduct secure transactions across their disparate systems. It was the culmination of two years of joint effort--and ended with handshakes and smiles.
12:18:36 PM  Item-level permalink    

INSTAPUNDIT: SOME THINGS NEVER CHANGE: And media negativity is one of them, apparently. This post from Jessica's Well on 1946 coverage of Europe is priceless:


Destitute Nations Feel the U.S. Has Failed Them

Then there's this: "We have swept away Hitlerism, but a great many Europeans feel that the cure has been worse than the disease." Read the whole thing.

11:21:27 AM  Item-level permalink    

Apple teams with AOL for legal music downloads ( - Apple Computer (AAPL) is bringing legal music downloads to the masses.
8:22:15 AM  Item-level permalink    

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