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Day level permalink October 20, 2003

U.S. Bishop: Sex Abuse Study May Be 'Startling' (Reuters). Reuters - The president of U.S. Roman Catholic bishops said Monday an upcoming study of the sexual abuse of children by clergy in America in the past 50 years would likely produce "startling" numbers.
1:28:31 PM  Item-level permalink    

Open Source gains at Microsoft's Expense in Massachusetts
NewsFactor Network - Massachusetts' yearly technology budget of $80 million does not make it a top tier software buyer. But analysts say the state's decision to favor open source technology may be a signpost that has major implications for the software industry -- particularly for Microsoft.
12:29:37 PM  Item-level permalink    

Symantec To Acquire Safeweb
CRN - Symantec Monday said it will acquire SSL VPN appliance provider Safeweb for $26 million in cash. Symantec, Cupertino, Calif., said it intends to offer Emeryville, Calif.-based Safeweb's Secure Extranet Appliance technology as a stand-alone offering on the Symantec appliance platforms in first-quarter 2004 and will integrate Safeweb's clientless VPN technology into the next version of Symantec Gateway Security Appliances also in 2004.
12:27:25 PM  Item-level permalink    

Boffins discover true power of water
The Register - US scientists have discovered how to generate electricity - by nothing more than pushing water through a fine glass tube.
11:32:04 AM  Item-level permalink    

Strong debut for iTunes for PCs
BBC News - Music fans have bought more than a million songs since the service for Windows users was launched on Thursday.
11:20:39 AM  Item-level permalink    

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