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Day level permalink September 29, 2003

Verizon to offer wireless broadband
CNET - Front Door - The nation's No. 1 cell phone provider will begin challenging high-speed Web providers this week with its own wireless broadband service.
2:38:15 PM  Item-level permalink    

MSBlaster II Fails To Materialize--Worm Writers Lying Low - What gives?
Over a week ago, several security experts noticed that exploit code for a recently-disclosed vulnerability in Microsoft Windows was circulating throughout the hacker underground, and said that another MSBlaster-style worm was only "days away."
No such worm appeared. What gives?
"We saw a highly functional binary that exploited Microsoft 2000 and evidence of tools that would allow an attack on Windows XP," said Ken Dunham, an analyst with security firm iDefense, and one of those who claimed that a so-called MSBlaster II worm was imminent. On further analysis, it turned out that the code was buggy, and didn't always work.
12:19:34 PM  Item-level permalink    

House panel questions Iraq proof
Boston Globe - The Bush administration scrambled yesterday to answer fresh attacks on the credibility of its case for toppling Saddam Hussein after House Intelligence leaders called prewar information on Iraq's weapons of mass destruction "outdated and circumstantial," and the Justice Department opened a probe into CIA allegations that the White House illegally leaked the name of one of its agents.
11:00:58 AM  Item-level permalink    

Iran Denies Producing Enriched Uranium
Voice of America - An Iranian official has acknowledged traces of highly enriched uranium were found at a second site in Iran, but he says the material must have come from elsewhere.
8:55:23 AM  Item-level permalink    

Palestinian security official says armed struggle has been a mistake
San Diego Union Tribune - GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip The Palestinians were better off before they launched their uprising against Israel, the ousted Palestinian security chief said Monday, as thousands marched to mark the three-year anniversary of the revolt.
8:51:42 AM  Item-level permalink    

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