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Day level permalink September 22, 2003

If you were to mispell and instead use, you would be given three choices of similar Web addresses.

None of them correct.   I don't think I like this.


VeriSign Accused of Privacy Violation
PC World - Privacy advocates are warning that recent changes to the .com and .net database of domain names by VeriSign could violate the privacy of millions of Internet users, inadvertently sending confidential e-mail content and Web surfing data to VeriSign's systems. 

The concerns come after VeriSign introduced a new service on (last) Monday. When users request a nonexistent URL, the company automatically redirects them to a VeriSign site,, which offers a choice of alternative Web addresses.

9:52:00 AM  Item-level permalink    

Chirac Calls for Transfer of Sovereignty to Iraqi People
New York Times - President Jacques Chirac called today for the immediate transfer of sovereignty in Iraq to the Iraqi people, and indicated that France would only approve a new United Nations resolution that recognized this need.

This would be funny, if it were not so important.   Iraqi Freedom, or sovereignty has always been the goal.  Jacques Chirac is being an ass.  Since it was France that in fact opposed the Iraqi people in favor of the murdering fascist Saddam for so very long.

"There is no situation where I can imagine that France would send troops to Iraq. " - President Jacques Chirac (Sept 2003)

9:40:38 AM  Item-level permalink    

Gates Helps Fight Malaria. Bill Gates urged the world to intensify its battle against a disease that kills more than one million people a year, mainly in Africa. By Reuters. [New York Times: Technology]
9:32:04 AM  Item-level permalink    

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