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Day level permalink September 10, 2003

Israeli Air Strike Misses Hamas Leader
ABC News - Israeli warplanes flattened the home of senior Hamas leader Mahmoud Zahar with a half-ton bomb Wednesday, wounding him and killing his eldest son and a bodyguard, in retaliation for two Hamas suicide bombings that killed 15 Israelis a day earlier.
2:20:59 PM  Item-level permalink    

Blaster II? Microsoft warns of new security holes
InfoWorld, CA - Only weeks after the appearance of the Blaster worm, Microsoft Corp. released a software patch for still more holes similar to those Blaster exploited.
The three new vulnerabilities are all rated "critical" and could be used by a remote attacker to take control of vulnerable systems, installing programs or changing data stored on a hard drive, Microsoft said on Wednesday.
1:30:23 PM  Item-level permalink    

Purported Bin Laden Video Tape Released
Omaha, NE - A new tape purported to be of Osama bin Laden has surfaced and played on Arab TV station Al Jazeera, according to broadcast reports.
1:27:39 PM  Item-level permalink    

Daniel Pipes proposes a radically different approach to solve the middle east crisis:
  • Acknowledge the faulty presumption that underlay both Oslo and the road map (Palestinian acceptance of Israel's existence).
  • Resolve not to repeat the same mistake.
  • Understand that diplomacy aiming to close down the Arab-Israeli conflict is premature until Palestinians give up their anti-Zionist fantasy.
  • Make Palestinian acceptance of Israel's existence the primary goal.
  • Impress on Palestinians that the sooner they accept Israel, the better off they will be. Conversely, so long they pursue their horrid goal of extermination, diplomacy will remain moribund and they will receive no financial aid, arms or recognition as a state.
  • Give Israel license not just to defend itself but to impress on the Palestinians the hopelessness of their cause.

It seems so simple.  No wonder the militant islamics hate him

11:04:29 AM  Item-level permalink    

SARS Returns or Lab Accident? Singapore Wonders
Reuters - Is SARS, the deadly flu-like disease, back? Is the world about to see a new epidemic or has Singapore just suffered a freak, isolated lab accident?
Health authorities are struggling with these questions.
9:30:49 AM  Item-level permalink    

France Heat Wave Death Toll at 15000
ABC News - France's leading undertaker estimated the country's death toll from the summer heat wave at 15,000.


9:13:04 AM  Item-level permalink    

Web User
Self-proclaimed hacker of NY Times turns self in
Sacramento Bee -  A 22-year-old self-admitted computer hacker turned himself in at the federal courthouse Tuesday afternoon on charges of illegally accessing the New York Times internal computer system.
8:58:55 AM  Item-level permalink    

Arab League Welcomes 'New Iraq' On Temporary Basis
Dar Al-Hayat - The 'new Iraq' asserted yesterday that it wants to turn a new page in its relations with the Arab countries, which have agreed to welcome the representatives of the transitional ruling council in the Arab League on a temporary basis, asking it to set a time schedule for the end of the U.S.-British occupation, draft a constitution and hold elections that would lead to the formation of an internationally recognized government.

A good plan, perhaps any of the other Arab League members might do the same.

Please note the only way they could get even this small amount of recognition was to denounce Israel (one of the few middle east coutries that supported the regime change in Iraq) and declaring support for the Palestinians (a group who support Saddam Hussein's ruthless dictatorship over his people).  

8:35:40 AM  Item-level permalink    

I talked about Technical Support jobs today on my radio spot today.

I don't know what kind of response they got from it, but they did ask me to take down the posting of the phone number and email link. 

7:24:41 AM  Item-level permalink    

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