Tuesday, July 5, 2005
What a revelation: good UI design makes a usable product and reduces support calls, thus cost-justifying itself; who woulda thunkit?
Clean, Cutting-edge UI Design Cuts McAfee's Support Calls by 90%. When McAfee launched it's new ProtectionPilot software in the summer of 2004, the number of support calls they received was drastically less than expected and what is typical of a software launch. According to development manager David Ries, "Focusing on the design of the product had a significant impact on the cost of supporting the [...] [IxDG Resource Library]
9:13:50 PM
Playing with words with a little help from the Surrealists and Beats:
Poets, dadaists, and word nerds: Rejoice. Cool site with a bunch of tools, games and articles that will appeal to word nerds. [43 Folders]
Too cool; this is going to be fun!
8:07:23 PM
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones." John Cage. [Quotes of the Day]
7:59:47 PM
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