Friday, July 8, 2005
It still baffles me why I'm categorized under "Humor" at the Top-Blogs site. Or why I'm now at 1,467, up from 1,600-and-something. Go figure.
8:31:06 PM
Both Doc
Saying no to Novak. [The Doc Searls Weblog]
and Dan
Robert Novak's Charmed Existence. Jay Rosen has "had it with Robert Novak. And if all the journalists who are talking today about "chilling effects" and individual conscience mean what they say, they will, as a matter of conscience and pride, start giving Novak himself the big chill."
[Dan Gillmor's blog]
point to the same piece about Robert Novak, the alleged journalist who outed Valerie Plame. Now Judith Miller is in jail; why isn't Novak? He's the one who published the name of a CIA operative. He's the one who should be locked up.
8:20:40 PM
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