Monday, July 11, 2005
I attended the New Paradigms in Using Computers conference at IBM's Almaden Research Center today. J.D. Lasica blogged it for Dan Gillmor's Bayosphere; he'll do a better job of reporting the talks than I will, so here's his first report:
Portable Computing of Tomorrow. Bayosphere Citizen Journalist JD Lasica is covering an interesting IBM research conference today. See his first report here. [Dan Gillmor's blog]
A later speaker asked us to count up how many computers/laptops/other computing devices we own or use regularly. Only two people in the room kep their hands up when he got to eight devices: me and Elizabeth Dykstra-Erickson. I had actually counted up to 10, but figured it was time to stop.
9:27:40 PM
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