Thursday, July 14, 2005
When I bought a Theremin (the Etherwave Theremin kit) from Bob Moog's Big Briar, I called to check on whether it had shipped. Bob Moog answered the phone himself. I like a businessman who's not too full of himself to answer the phone. Now Bob's sick:
Bob Moog battling brain cancer. Xeni Jardin:
The man known to many as the granddaddy of electronic music -- Bob Moog -- was recently diagnosed with a brain tumor. Fans around the world are wishing him the best. Link. (Thanks, Dan) [Boing Boing]
If you've ever enjoyed electronic music, remember Moog and his infamous synthesizers. I'm proud just to have a small piece of the man's work. Write and tell him to get better.
9:54:39 PM
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