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Electronic Freedom Foundation



  Thursday, July 7, 2005

Only Emo can out-weird Steven Wright's one-liners:
"I was the kid next door's imaginary friend."
Emo Phillips. [Quotes of the Day]

8:25:27 PM    Questions? Comments? Flames? []

Day-late birthday greetings go to: Beatrix Potter, the Dalai Lama, Nanci Griffith, my father Bill Sampson, my friends Debra and Sigrid. Oh, and to W. Some folks grow wiser as they age. Not all.
8:23:54 PM    Questions? Comments? Flames? []

Two-volume set of Rough Guides to world music. Open your ears, open your mind:
World Music.

Travel with your ears. This comprehensive, massive (700-plus pages), and recently updated two-volume guide to global song covers the planet, from Norwegian fiddlers to Filipino folk rockers. It's all here: what kind of music is out there, where it came from, who is playing it, and where to get it. Feeling stuck? Open up this book at random, order a CD, and enter another way of seeing.

[Cool Tools]

8:20:09 PM    Questions? Comments? Flames? []

There's plenty of coverage in the blogosphere today of events in London. No need to point to all of it, but Zeldman and Loeb made my nerves jangle and eyes get misty:
Bloody hell. To my brothers and sisters in London. [Jeffrey Zeldman Presents: The Daily Report]

Commentary: Britain has beaten evil before. NEW YORK (MarketWatch) -- There are still some of us around who can remember the time, 65 years ago, when England stood, naked and alone, protecting most of the rest of the world against an evil force. [ - Personal Finance News]

What a remarkable few days for London and the British: Live 8 in Hyde Park, the G8, the Olympics for 2012, and terrorist bombs.

I watched most of Live 8 on MTV/VH1, mostly in the expectation that somewhere during the day I would see and hear something notable. I did: the Pink Floyd reunion was truly awesome. I was stunned by the sight of gray-haired Gilmour and Waters together on stage, making spine-tingling music again. I was moved. Then for some uncertain reason, I up and bought The Clash's classic "London Calling" from the ITMS. I already have all the good stuff from Pink Floyd (the good stuff ended with Atom Heart Mother, IMHO). The great thing about ITMS is that I can buy the one song I want to hear, right now, without tracking down a cheap copy of the CD it comes from. I'll happily pay a buck for the right song, right now.

London Calling. No kidding, irony is alive and well and living in Amerika.

8:01:02 PM    Questions? Comments? Flames? []

Abe understood karma:
Abraham Lincoln. "When I do good, I feel good; when I do bad, I feel bad, and that is my religion." [Quotes of the Day]

7:56:30 PM    Questions? Comments? Flames? []

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Last update: 8/1/05; 7:59:13 PM.

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