Wednesday, July 13, 2005
Doc points to Dvorak's reminiscence of the good old days of airlines in California:
Air pains. John C. Dvorak: Airline Lament -- Whatever Happened to Alaskan? With Remembrances of PSA, Western Airlines, and AirCAL. [The Doc Searls Weblog]
PSA was a great little airline. I remember paying $8 one-way airfare, LAX to SJC. No kidding, eight bucks one way, sixteen round trip. OK, that was probably 1969, but seriously, those were great days. PSA's planes had a section in the back with seats facing each other and a table in between. You could sprawl out with buddies and schmooze your way up and down the state. I could catch a ride to the airport after a race and grab the next flight home, no problem. Good days, long gone.
7:51:47 PM
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