Monday, July 18, 2005
On the reading, that is. No, I do not have a copy of the new Harry Potter book yet. I took the free shipping option and let Amazon send it by slow-boat. Besides, I haven't read the last book yet. Better take it with me on vacation, lest the movie come out before I've read it ;-).
8:06:36 PM
Not a chance:
Goodbye, Karl. From Monday's NY Times: Reporter Says He First Learned of C.I.A. Operative From Rove. ... [New Media Musings]
Come on, Rove isn't going anywhere. His boss is already changing the rules so he doesn't have to keep his promise to evict anyone involved in the leak. Even if Karl lost his official job as Deputy Chief of Staff, you know darn well he'll still be pulling strings from the sidelines as a consultant paid by some campaign slush fund. I predict the whole thing will fizzle out after the special prosecutor concludes that maybe someone did something wrong but he can't prove anything or convict anyone, so let's all just go home. This story is going nowhere. Don't hold your breath.
7:54:21 PM
Count on BoingBoing to locate more archival film of nuclear tests:
Atomic bomb-related footage in Prelinger Archive. Xeni Jardin:
Boing Boing pal Wil Wheaton says,
BoingBoing readers whose interest in the Manhattan Project has been piqued by your Simnuke posts will find hours of Cold War-era atomic bomb-related footage in the Prelinger Archive at the Internet Archive.
They've got lots of propaganda films like the hilarious Duck and Cover, and the horrifying My Japan. There are also official government test films, like Operation
Crossroads (better known as the tests on Bikini Atoll) and Operation Cue, which features tests conducted at the Nevada Test Site in 1955.
[Boing Boing]
Yep, I remember duck-and-cover drills very well, although today they are better suited to preparing for earthquakes (at least the crawl under your desk part of the drill).
7:49:22 PM
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