Monday, July 25, 2005
Peter Merholz may be late with his review of Don Norman's most recent tome, but he still beat me; I've started, but not finished:
Belated Review: Emotional Design, by Don Norman. This review is not belated relative to my reading of the book -- I only finished it this past weekend. But it is belated relative to the book's initial release -- which is getting on a couple of years now.... [peterme.com]
I have to agree that pages of prognostications and should-this and should-that get to be boring reading very quickly. That's what turned my off to Schneiderman's Leonardo's Laptop. And what I'm looking forward to missing in John Thackara's In the Bubble, which is near the top of my reading list. I took notice of Thackara last year at a pre-CHI event when he lambasted Bill Buxton for a wide-eyed talk about future technology. John replied by asking where the human element was in all the forecasts of technological advances. John's little rant made so much sense, felt so right, that I became an instant fan.
9:19:17 PM
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