Departure from Milford Haven at 11:30. Arrival in Skomer island's South Haven at 4 PM. Conditions: NW wind, starting F3, steadily increasing to a good 5, 6 at times. Perfectly flat seas; air is cool, but perfect sun all day. Marco and Richard are my new crew!
Met Richard and Marco last night, had a big fish and chips and the local marina restaurant. Not the best food, but terrific to have them with me.
This morning we could only leave at 11:45, as that was the first time the lock opened for the day (due to the time of the tide). Had a nice breakfast, got some food, bought sleeping bag at woolworths, and set off. Here is a picture of the main shopping street

This was Richard's first sail ever, and he helmed practically 1/2 the time today - very fast learner. Today we only travelled 15 miles, to Skomer Island, a wildlife refuge. Arrived early afternoon amongst flocks of puffins - didn't manage to get a picture of them, will try tomorrow. Apparently they are just about to leave for their next migratory stop (not sure where) - we are lucky they are still here. Puffins are small birds, mostly black and white, with a very particular vertical orange beak.
We are moored in a sheltered cove - the wind is still strong, but only the top of the mast is really catching it. Upon arriving, about 20 yards in front of the boat, a seal was inspecting the new arrivals (us and another boat).

About to get working on dinner. Tomorrow we should be sailing north - Marco really wants to go to Portmeiron - the village where "The Prisoner" was filmed. Should get there in a couple of days.
7:50:02 PM