Departed Sandy Cove at 10 AM. Arrived in Glandore at 6:30 PM. Distance: 30 NM. Conditions: Perfect. Perhaps 30 minutes of clouds, winds F2-4 most of the day, with only about 1.5 hours motoring, only to pass Galley Head. Had a good 2 hours of Gennaker on (the Gennaker is an asymtric spinnaker)
We left Sandy Cove this morning after a little sleep-in and a nice healthy breakfast.
Leaving Sandy Cove

A perfect breeze settled in after about 1/2 hour of motoring, and we sailed our way around the Old Head of Kinsale, and into Courtmacsherry Bay.
The Old Head of Kinsale

Decided not to go for Courtmacsherry harbour, but to keep on going, and try and make Glandore, several bays ahead. Sailing along the coast of Ireland the most striking method of measuring time, or distance, is figuring out how many bays we pass. "Today we have 3 bays to sail accross". Today, it was Courtmacsherry Bay, Clonakilty Bay and Glandore Bay.
Today's sail was perfect. I set the gennaker while B was taking a nap, and had it up for a good 2 hours; the wind was not too strong (6-8 knots), but the tide was pushing us the right way, so it was a pleasure to just slowly watch the coast slide by. Must of seen 1/2 a dozen old ruins, some most certainly centuries old.
Finally arrived in Glandore at the end fo the afternoon, around 6ish. Picked up a visitor mooring, inflated our little row boat, and paddled ashore to get some dinner. Sat outside, had one of best pints of Guiness so far, some good fresh fish, and topped it all with a glass of Jameson. Here are a couple of pictures taken from our dinner table....
The entrance to Glandore

Union Hall taken from Gladore; Papou is the boat on the far left.

This is the Ireland I was expecting. Glandore, although quite charming, is perhaps a little too "neat" (must not be cheap to own a house here), but the setting is just extraordinary. The fuchsias are in full bloom, everything is green, the pace is nice and mellow, and the coast just breath-taking. From now on, and until about the 5th of September - the plan is just to slow things down a little, and hop from harbour to harbour. These are the last few weeks I have in Ireland on this trip, and I'm slowly getting psychologically ready for the couple of big crossings on the way back. I'm feeling a little tense, as these will surely be the longest sails I've ever done on my own... I'm also quite excited... I'm trying to put those thoughts aside for now, and soak in the beauty of the moment.
9:40:10 PM