No sailing today. Winds still too strong, but at least the fog has lifted... Planning to get up early tomorrow morning, and get the full shipping forecast, and decide if it's my lucky day to go to Dublin. I sure hope it is - my new crew is arriving there tomorrow!
Today, after checking the 7:25 weather report, I had a lazy start. Then hiked around Holyhead mountain, the mountain I saw when I arrived here, on that difficult sail. That view was quite amazing, and some moments I'm practically sure I saw Ireland... although that was almost certainly an illusion. Here is a picture taken from the mountain, pointing west. At that point there was a little mist; the top of the mountain was in a cloud. The lighthouse you see is South Stack. Quoting from a local leaflet "A lighthouse was first established at South Stack in 1809, after campaigns about the danger of the coast" (I'll say - the currents around here are quite incredible!)

11:23:25 PM